How to buy
Place an order at is very simple, just follow these steps:
1. It must Create an account or, if you already have it, you just need to Log in with your username and password. If you do not wish to create an account, you can place an order as a Guest.
2. Once you have created your account, you will be able to place as many orders as you wish. In addition, in your dashboard you will have access to your order history, returns, incident processing...
3. Add the desired items to the cart and click on "Go to checkout" when you have added the last desired product.
4. Enter your billing and shipping information. You will be informed of the total purchase price and shipping costs at all times.
5. Select the form of payment you prefer.
6. Finally we will show a summary of the order, to finalise it click on "Confirm order". At this point, we will send you an email with all the details of the order.